I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free.

Mission: Revival of hearts for Jesus and the growth of His Kingdom through believers committed to allowing The Lord to guide their footsteps into neighborhoods and communities, praying for all of the people and households they are led past.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Because He says so!

The prayers below illustrate the great needs of the different people in our communities...those who live there and those passing through.  Please consider honoring God by Moving out of your home, Praying for all He sends you past, and Obeying His command to love your neighbor as yourself.  The world around us is in desparate need of prayer. 
All who don’t know their need for Jesushave mercy on them, Lord, and speak Your perfect truth into their hearts.
Lonely – Bless them, Lord, with the warmth of Your presence
Weary – Remind them, Jesus, to come to You and You will give them rest.
Angry – Show them Your peace, Lord, that surpasses all understanding
Young – Protect them. Guide their footsteps according to Your Word.  Let no sin rule over them.
Sick – Lay Your healing hands on their bodies, minds and hearts, dear Lord.

Frightened – Show them Your mighty, faithful, power and presence, Father.
Oppressed – Show them, Lord, that you are a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble
Rejected – Comfort these, Lord.  You were rejected by the ones you came to save and still chose to die for us.

Hungry –Jesus show these that You are The Bread of Life and he who comes to you will never go hungry
Injured – You will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak
Suffering – Comfort these in Your promise, Lord, to never leave them or forsake them.

Grieving – Father, have mercy on these and turn their grief to joy 
Lost – Show these, Father, that Jesus came to seek and to save what was lost
Old – Show these to place their hope in Your promises, Lord, and know that Your strength is perfected in weakness.  
Ready – Move those who are ready to serve You, Jesus, into active, obedient, loving  service .
YearningBurden their hearts to commit to Your way , LORD;   to trust in You and You will make Your righteousness shine

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Back to the beginning.

A seed has been planted...

January 6, 2012

Move, Pray, Obey

Psalm 119 : 32
I run in the path of your commands,
for you have set my heart free.

Mission:  Revival of hearts for Jesus and the growth of His Kingdom through believers committed to allowing The Lord to guide their footsteps into neighborhoods and communities, praying for all of the people and households they are led past.

Monday, February 13, 2012

The sweet fragrance...

Last friday, I went out for my MPO run and, as always, I let God decide where He wanted me to go.  Interestingly, on these runs, I don't have to wonder where He wants me to turn, I just follow my feet.  Friday turned out to be a significant growth session. I was led down a path that was new to me.  It was much farther than I am used to running.  I found myself about 12 1/2 miles out and was about 7 miles from home when I started running out of physical strength.  I decided to finish by walking some and eventually could only walk.  It was cold and windy but I knew that God would not have led me to where I was if the people who were passing me did not need prayer.  I did some praying for myself, too.  I knew my husband would be worried because I had been gone for some time.  I prayed that either my husband or Mr. Jones (an elderly man who always stops to speak to me when he sees me on the road) would find me and take me home.  When I was 2 1/2 miles from my house, Mr Jones just happened to be on the road I was on at the same time as I was on it (divine appointment) and he picked me up and took me home.  I told him he was answered prayer!  I didn't understand that struggle.  Had I missed directions?  Had I stepped out into my own weakness?   Amazingly, I was not sore or broken down.  Sunday, as I was running, I received an answer.  I can't physically cover enough ground and pray for all those in need of prayer by myself.  God showed me how great the need is and how little I can do on my own.  Please consider getting out in your neighborhoods and communities and pray for the people you pass. 
2 Corinthians 2:14 But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him.

Friday, February 10, 2012


You will be tempted to make excuses why you can't Move, Pray & Obey today because your selfless action of love will glorify God, bless those you pray for and bless you.  Block the temptation by remembering...

1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

James 4:7  Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Don't shoot the messenger!

Luke 12:  48 ... From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.
Throughout my journey, this verse has come to mind many times.  It has been one that has taken me down several thought paths and has continually evolved.  Initially, I used it to pray that all those I was led past would see God for who He is and all He has given each and every person whom He chose to place in our free country.  Free to make choices regarding our lifestyles and our life choices.  I thought often about the astounding statistics regarding lifestyle choices and preventable disease, early disability and death.
Since then, my thoughts have been fed by scripture I am studying weekly in my BSF class.
This week we are studying 1 Corinthians.  Capter 3, verses 16 & 17 say... "Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him; for God’s temple is sacred, and you are that temple."
I believe God is clearly stating that we Americans have been given much, including freedom to choose our lifestyle.  He has also given us the ability to exercise self-control (much will be demanded). I listen to The Word preached by several different preachers and I often hear that we are called to stay away from drug and alcohol addictions, adultery, pride, covetness, love of money, etc...but I rarely hear anything preached about the dangers and consequences of gluttony and disobedience regarding  the destruction of God's temple.  Obesity is the #1 cause of preventable disease.  Over 60% of Americans are obese.
MOVE your body out of your house and into your neighborhood in order to love your neighbors as yourself through PRAYerOBEY God's will that your body, God's temple, will be made a healthier place for God's Spirit to live.  When you decide to MOVE, PRAY and OBEY to serve God instead of yourself, you will be blessed and amazed by the surprises God has for you.