I ran the Cowtown 1/2 Marathon sunday and my brother ran the Full Marathon. Both of us wore t-shirts with this blog address, Psalm 119:32, and an invitation to join Team MPO (Move Pray Obey). Several people commented that they liked our shirts. Our hope is that some would be called to action. I know that God's word is alive and does not return void. We were only there to glorify Him.
As always, for me, there was a lesson in this particular call to obedience. I had some struggles in my running for about 2 weeks prior to running sunday. I was looking at the pictures of myself that were taken sunday on the course and I did not like what I saw. My expression was not joyful!
By divine coincidence, my bible study for the week was in 2 Corinthians. In chapter 8 Paul talks about being a generous giver and encourages believers to continue in
eager willingness. Chapter 9:7-8 says... Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a
cheerful giver. And God is able to make grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
I did not look cheerful in those pictures and I knew that I did not look cheerful as I was out in my community praying for those I was passing on the street.
This morning I decided to become a cheerful giver and run with a smile on my face. At first I felt like a fool. It did not feel natural running down the road smiling. However, my running was not a struggle, my prayers and concentration on those who were passing by was amazing. Most people who saw me smiled back! What a blessing to us both! When I got home it took me a while to stop smiling!
The Holy Spirit put a new prayer on my heart. Today I prayed that all households and people who I was led past, lost or saved, would receive a seed, planted by my prayer, in their hearts that would expand and dissolve any sinful strongholds that are keeping them from receiving God's best for their lives. I asked Jesus to call His people to action...move, pray, obey.