I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free.

Mission: Revival of hearts for Jesus and the growth of His Kingdom through believers committed to allowing The Lord to guide their footsteps into neighborhoods and communities, praying for all of the people and households they are led past.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

This post received 10X more viewings than any other. It was so popular, I thought it must need to be repeated!

Don't shoot the messenger!

Luke 12:  48 ... From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.
Throughout my journey, this verse has come to mind many times.  It has been one that has taken me down several thought paths and has continually evolved.  Initially, I used it to pray that all those I was led past would see God for who He is and all He has given each and every person whom He chose to place in our free country.  Free to make choices regarding our lifestyles and our life choices.  I thought often about the astounding statistics regarding lifestyle choices and preventable disease, early disability and death.
Since then, my thoughts have been fed by scripture I am studying weekly in my BSF class.
This week we are studying 1 Corinthians.  Capter 3, verses 16 & 17 say... "Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him; for God’s temple is sacred, and you are that temple."
I believe God is clearly stating that we Americans have been given much, including freedom to choose our lifestyle.  He has also given us the ability to exercise self-control (much will be demanded). I listen to The Word preached by several different preachers and I often hear that we are called to stay away from drug and alcohol addictions, adultery, pride, covetness, love of money, etc...but I rarely hear anything preached about the dangers and consequences of gluttony and disobedience regarding  the destruction of God's temple.  Obesity is the #1 cause of preventable disease.  Over 60% of Americans are obese.
MOVE your body out of your house and into your neighborhood in order to love your neighbors as yourself through PRAYerOBEY God's will that your body, God's temple, will be made a healthier place for God's Spirit to live.  When you decide to MOVE, PRAY and OBEY to serve God instead of yourself, you will be blessed and amazed by the surprises God has for you.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

It seems like I just left

This morning I was blessed by another beautiful MPO run.  Though I was gone for about 1 1/2 hours, the time between starting and finishing seemed like it happened in the blink of an eye.  What's interesting is that before I began this journey in obedience and was trying to run in my own strength, first of all, I couldn't run for 1 1/2 hours, and, any time spent running seemed like it was much longer than it really was because it was hard.
I suspect that in comparison that is how it will feel as we move toward the finish of our time here on earth.  If we are living in surrendered obedience, our time will seem short and blessed.  If we are living in self reliant striving, our time will seem long and harder.
Matthew 11:28-30“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Be a blessing!  Be blessed!
Move, Pray and Obey!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Peace and Love with faith by grace

What an amazing, beautiful MPO run I was given this morning!  I felt as though I was running through a living painting of God's majesty!  The freedom that God is giving me as I surrender myself to Him is growing and expanding in ways I cannot describe.  All by the Holy Spirit, through Jesus, for God's glory.
I pray if you are reading this, you will trust God's faithfullness and let Him envelop you in His love and Christ's perserverence.  That you will love each other through prayer and that you will take care of the temple of the Holy Spirit (your body) in obedience to the One who gave you His son's body and blood that you may be free.
Move, Pray and Obey!
Ephesians 6:23-24 Peace to the brothers, and love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love.

Friday, March 16, 2012

What about you?

I have been asked how I pray for the people I serve through Move, Pray Obey (MPO).  My answer is that I pray in the ways God stirs my heart as I run.  He led me to the verse below and moved me to keep it in my heart.
2 Thessalonians 3:5
(May the Lord) (direct your hearts) (into God's love) (and Christ's perseverance.)
I found it pretty easy to memorize this verse 3 words at a time.
God gives us the words to pray in simple and powerful ways.  Do you see the beautiful, completeness of this prayer?  Put this prayer seed in your heart, carry it with you , and spread it to each person you are led past today.
I am praying for each person who reads this blog.

Your excuses come from you.
Your excuses make what you do or don't do all about you.
God says it's about Him and His glory.

I'm going to Move, Pray & Obey...what about you?

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Fruit - Flowers - Seeds

During my MPO run this morning the fruit of the Spirit came to mind.
Galatians 5: 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control.  I prayed that those I was praying for would be touched by the fruit of the Spirit.
If you have read my earlier posts, you may remember that one of the prayers that God keeps on my heart for those He sends me past is that my prayers would be planted as seeds in those hearts.
I had to smile as I recalled something about the difference between fruits and vegetables being about the seeds.  I looked it up and found that a fruit is the part of a plant that has developed from a flower and contains seeds. 
God made fruit brightly colored and attractive to the hungry.  I can see why Paul compared the attributes of being filled with the Spirit to fruit. 
Please consider Moving, Praying and Obeying in your community.  God will free your heart to love your neighbor, offer joyful obedience, spread peace, practice patience, extend kindness and goodness, faithfully serve with a gentle attitude, and excercise self-control.

Friday, March 9, 2012

...so that you may know Him better

For my MPO run the morning of tuesday, March 6, God led me on an "unusual" path, one that I knew but had not run in a long time...maybe not at all since MPO was realized.  I always trust that God leads me past households and people who need prayer.  I don't have to see obvious results to know His timing is perfect.  I also believe He delights in surprising us in totally unexpected ways by revealing His involvement. 
On the way home from bible study the evening of tuesday, March 6, the friend I was riding with received a call to let her know that a beloved member of our community had died earlier in the day in a terrible accident that happened in the road right in front of her property.  I did not know the woman. My friend shared about how well known and loved this woman was and how shaken the community would be.  She also told me where the woman lived...I had been led to run past her home earlier on that "unusual" path that was planned for me.  God knew that household would need prayer March 6, 2012.
Amazingly, I am studying in Ephesians chapter 1 this week.  God wants us to know Him better and understand our call to represent Jesus here through loving prayer for our neighbors.
I pray this for all who read this blog.  Ephesians 1:17  I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better.
Move, Pray, and Obey always for His glory, your good and the good of all you pray for in love.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

There goes that smiling runner! What's making her so happy?

I ran the Cowtown 1/2 Marathon sunday and my brother ran the Full Marathon.  Both of us wore t-shirts with this blog address, Psalm 119:32, and an invitation to join Team MPO (Move Pray Obey).  Several people commented that they liked our shirts.  Our hope is that some would be called to action.  I know that God's word is alive and does not return void.  We were only there to glorify Him.
As always,  for me, there was a lesson in this particular call to obedience.  I had some struggles in my running for about 2 weeks prior to running sunday.  I was looking at the pictures of myself that were taken sunday on the course and I did not like what I saw.  My expression was not joyful!
By divine coincidence,  my bible study for the week was in 2 Corinthians. In chapter 8 Paul talks about being a generous giver and encourages believers to continue in eager willingness.  Chapter 9:7-8 says... Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
I did not look cheerful in those pictures and I knew that I did not look cheerful as I was out in my community praying for those I was passing  on the street.
This morning I decided to become a cheerful giver and run with a smile on my face.  At first I felt like a fool.  It did not feel natural running down the road smiling.  However, my running was not a struggle, my prayers and concentration on those who were passing by was amazing.  Most people who saw me smiled back!  What a blessing to us both!  When I got home it took me a while to stop smiling!
The Holy Spirit put a new prayer on my heart.  Today I prayed that all households and people who I was led past, lost or saved, would receive a seed, planted by my prayer, in their hearts that would expand and dissolve any sinful strongholds that are keeping them from receiving God's best for their lives.  I asked Jesus to call His people to action...move, pray, obey. 

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Because He says so!

The prayers below illustrate the great needs of the different people in our communities...those who live there and those passing through.  Please consider honoring God by Moving out of your home, Praying for all He sends you past, and Obeying His command to love your neighbor as yourself.  The world around us is in desparate need of prayer. 
All who don’t know their need for Jesushave mercy on them, Lord, and speak Your perfect truth into their hearts.
Lonely – Bless them, Lord, with the warmth of Your presence
Weary – Remind them, Jesus, to come to You and You will give them rest.
Angry – Show them Your peace, Lord, that surpasses all understanding
Young – Protect them. Guide their footsteps according to Your Word.  Let no sin rule over them.
Sick – Lay Your healing hands on their bodies, minds and hearts, dear Lord.

Frightened – Show them Your mighty, faithful, power and presence, Father.
Oppressed – Show them, Lord, that you are a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble
Rejected – Comfort these, Lord.  You were rejected by the ones you came to save and still chose to die for us.

Hungry –Jesus show these that You are The Bread of Life and he who comes to you will never go hungry
Injured – You will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak
Suffering – Comfort these in Your promise, Lord, to never leave them or forsake them.

Grieving – Father, have mercy on these and turn their grief to joy 
Lost – Show these, Father, that Jesus came to seek and to save what was lost
Old – Show these to place their hope in Your promises, Lord, and know that Your strength is perfected in weakness.  
Ready – Move those who are ready to serve You, Jesus, into active, obedient, loving  service .
YearningBurden their hearts to commit to Your way , LORD;   to trust in You and You will make Your righteousness shine

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Back to the beginning.

A seed has been planted...

January 6, 2012

Move, Pray, Obey

Psalm 119 : 32
I run in the path of your commands,
for you have set my heart free.

Mission:  Revival of hearts for Jesus and the growth of His Kingdom through believers committed to allowing The Lord to guide their footsteps into neighborhoods and communities, praying for all of the people and households they are led past.

Monday, February 13, 2012

The sweet fragrance...

Last friday, I went out for my MPO run and, as always, I let God decide where He wanted me to go.  Interestingly, on these runs, I don't have to wonder where He wants me to turn, I just follow my feet.  Friday turned out to be a significant growth session. I was led down a path that was new to me.  It was much farther than I am used to running.  I found myself about 12 1/2 miles out and was about 7 miles from home when I started running out of physical strength.  I decided to finish by walking some and eventually could only walk.  It was cold and windy but I knew that God would not have led me to where I was if the people who were passing me did not need prayer.  I did some praying for myself, too.  I knew my husband would be worried because I had been gone for some time.  I prayed that either my husband or Mr. Jones (an elderly man who always stops to speak to me when he sees me on the road) would find me and take me home.  When I was 2 1/2 miles from my house, Mr Jones just happened to be on the road I was on at the same time as I was on it (divine appointment) and he picked me up and took me home.  I told him he was answered prayer!  I didn't understand that struggle.  Had I missed directions?  Had I stepped out into my own weakness?   Amazingly, I was not sore or broken down.  Sunday, as I was running, I received an answer.  I can't physically cover enough ground and pray for all those in need of prayer by myself.  God showed me how great the need is and how little I can do on my own.  Please consider getting out in your neighborhoods and communities and pray for the people you pass. 
2 Corinthians 2:14 But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him.

Friday, February 10, 2012


You will be tempted to make excuses why you can't Move, Pray & Obey today because your selfless action of love will glorify God, bless those you pray for and bless you.  Block the temptation by remembering...

1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

James 4:7  Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Don't shoot the messenger!

Luke 12:  48 ... From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.
Throughout my journey, this verse has come to mind many times.  It has been one that has taken me down several thought paths and has continually evolved.  Initially, I used it to pray that all those I was led past would see God for who He is and all He has given each and every person whom He chose to place in our free country.  Free to make choices regarding our lifestyles and our life choices.  I thought often about the astounding statistics regarding lifestyle choices and preventable disease, early disability and death.
Since then, my thoughts have been fed by scripture I am studying weekly in my BSF class.
This week we are studying 1 Corinthians.  Capter 3, verses 16 & 17 say... "Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him; for God’s temple is sacred, and you are that temple."
I believe God is clearly stating that we Americans have been given much, including freedom to choose our lifestyle.  He has also given us the ability to exercise self-control (much will be demanded). I listen to The Word preached by several different preachers and I often hear that we are called to stay away from drug and alcohol addictions, adultery, pride, covetness, love of money, etc...but I rarely hear anything preached about the dangers and consequences of gluttony and disobedience regarding  the destruction of God's temple.  Obesity is the #1 cause of preventable disease.  Over 60% of Americans are obese.
MOVE your body out of your house and into your neighborhood in order to love your neighbors as yourself through PRAYerOBEY God's will that your body, God's temple, will be made a healthier place for God's Spirit to live.  When you decide to MOVE, PRAY and OBEY to serve God instead of yourself, you will be blessed and amazed by the surprises God has for you.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Not just for runners

2 Thessalonians 3:5  May the Lord direct your hearts into God's love and Christ's perseverance.
The "Move" in Move, Pray, Obey is a call to step outside, into your community, and pray for all of the households and people that you are led past.  God will give you the time, strength and guidance if you will surrender your will to His.  You may only walk a few feet, yards, or blocks at first.  You may run part of a mile or miles.
Think of the vast impact prayer has made throughout history.  You can change people's lives through prayer.  God can restore your health through the physical exercise that comes with your obedience to move and pray in love for those He sends you past.  He takes us a step at a time, based on His grace and faithfullness and our trust. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


As I was running and praying yesterday, as always, I prayed for a revival in the hearts of those I pass.  I prayed that God will call out those who do not yet understand that they are sinners in need of a savior and save them in His unfailing love.  I pray that God will stir the hearts of those who are believers to love and care for the lost and saved among them.  I was also moved to pray more specifically for those who were hungry, that God would feed them the Bread of Life; for those who were angry, God would give them His peace that surpasses all understanding; for those who were lonely, God would help them feel His presence; for those who were tired, God would give them His rest; for those who were sick, God would provide His healing touch.
Please, if you have been blessed with the ability to move your body any distance at any speed, get out in to your community and love your neighbors through prayer.

Friday, January 13, 2012

A prayer for us

1 Thessalonians 3:12-13
12 May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you. 13 May he strengthen your hearts so

that you will be blameless and holy in the presence of our God and Father

when our Lord Jesus comes with all his holy ones.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Path

I have been a runner off and on since 1984.  I have been fairly serious at times but at no time did running come easy to me.  In 2005 I became a Christ follower and my focus during my runs has gradually shifted from myself to Him.  He set my heart free.  After I was saved, I began to pray while I ran.  It made the physical effort a little easier.  However, I continued to limit myself with thoughts like "I can't run farther than __miles", "I can't run more that ___times a week", "I can't go down that street because there might be too much traffic or a biting dog".  "I" was trying to run in my own strength and limited physical ability.  Earlier this year, God put it on my heart to surrender control of my running to Him and let Him guide my footsteps.  It has been an unbelievable journey!  He immediately started taking me distances that I know I could not have finished on my own, down streets I had never considered, and blessed me with time, energy and weight loss.  He reminded me that blessings follow obedience.  I knew He was preparing me for something that would require strong faith and endurance.  Over a series of small steps He led me to start praying for every household and person who He put in my running path.  He then started showing me the enormous possibilities if many people who are able to walk or run would be willing to impact their own neighborhoods and communities by moving through the streets and praying for all who cross their paths.  The potential for blessing both those who are prayed for and those who choose to Move, Pray & Obey is unlimited.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A seed has been planted...

January 6, 2012

Move, Pray, Obey

Psalm 119 : 32
I run in the path of your commands,
for you have set my heart free.

Mission:  Revival of hearts for Jesus and the growth of His Kingdom through believers committed to allowing The Lord to guide their footsteps into neighborhoods and communities, praying for all of the people and households they are led past.